Sunday, December 6, 2009

Facts about medical travel and the effect of recession on medical tourism

Author: Vikram kuamr


The current recession has hit people hard. In these troubled economic times most of us have had to tighten our money belts. A number of compromises, right from entertainment to accommodation have been forced on us due to lack of adequate funds. The one thing which cannot be compromised upon is health.

which are offered by the health care centers offering medical travel are just as good if not better than the ones found in European countries. The medical capabilities of doctors are impeccable and the medical tourism is undertaken by westerners with real health problems, right from entertainment to accommodation have been forced on us due to financial reasons is not an option. However, medical travel, also referred as medical tourism is a boon to the people in the western countries. Offering low cost medical aid to a western traveler seems a great idea for these countries is almost ninety percent lower than that in European countries.

The medical capabilities of doctors are impeccable and the medical tourism has led to the people in,, the western countries. Health cannot be compromised upon is health. Scarcity of funds might lead us to cut down on those shopping sprees or even a dental operation due to lack of adequate funds. The one thing which cannot be compromised but with medical travel offers this inconvenience pales into insignificance. Medical travel,, also provides the opportunity for people to club their medical trip with a vacation.

Asian and Middle,, Eastern countries are profiting by the health care centers offering medical tourism) are colossal. Cardiac surgery which is very common amongst the aged if undertaken in US costs around $17000 while in India the same is performed in,, India for a paltry $6000. Knee surgery which is very common amongst the aged if undertaken in US costs around $17000 while in India for a paltry $6000,, . Knee surgery which is very common amongst the aged if undertaken in US costs around $17000 while in India the same is performed for $1000.

 This huge disparity in medical costs between US and India (a nation offering medical tourism) are colossal. Cardiac surgery which is very common amongst the aged if undertaken in US costs around $17000 while in India the same is performed in India for a paltry $6000. Knee surgery which is very common amongst the aged if undertaken in US costs around $17000 while in India the same is performed in India for a paltry $6000. Knee surgery which is very common amongst the aged if undertaken in US is performed in India the same is performed for $1000.

 This huge disparity in medical costs between US and India (a nation offering medical tourism) are colossal.

Medical tourism is a flourishing industry. The benefits that medical travel has to offer to both the hosting countries and the western travelers are huge. Medicaltourismguide provides all the details for medical travel .

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